Nagercoil Corporation

Official Website
Nagercoil Corporation


Revenue Department

Revenue Section plays a crucial role in the Corporation since it is entrusted with the task of collection of tax and non tax revenues. It is the income source for the local body for meeting the revenue and capital expenditure for rendering the civic services to the people.

The following works are done by the revenue department:

  • Imposition of new Property tax on new Assessments
  • Vacant land tax
  • Professional tax for Individual and Organisations
  • Name Transfer
  • Fixation and Collection of Non Tax revenue items
  • Annual Lease

All transactions of the Corporation are audited by the Local Fund Audit and the utilisation funds recieved from the Government of India is subject to Audit of Accountant General of India.


Total no of assessmentdemand(in lakhs)
Property tax874311459
Water supply41343205
Vacant land tax400044.51
Professional tax4024320



1 TAXES - 2024-2025 Download
2 Documents Needed for Name Transfer Download
3 Documents Needed for New Tax Download
4 Application for Vacant Land Tax Download
5 Application of New Professional Tax Download
6 Slab Rate for Professional Tax Download